Webdesk Academy
- Over 10 000 students Learned new Skills
- More than 1700 Free Premium courses
- Over 60% of our Courses are 100% Free

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Start your learning journey today and benefit from more than 1,000 free courses.
Explore & Learn from more than 1700 courses
Enjoy a broad variety of Online Video courses for your target niche. Practical Courses made from experts and verified instractors we trust.
Why Choose Us?
100% FREE Courses
Learn Any Time
At Your Own Pace
You can share

Having operated in the Education section for over 10 years, we can help you become better.
Course categories
Pick a subject and start learning
- Business 1 Course
Finance & Money 1 Course
- Marketing 2 Course
Online Learning Now In Your Fingertips with webdesk Academy
Learning a new skill has never been easy, affordable and rewarding with our programs. We select the best programs that will add up to your personalit and improve the way you deal with your business to succeed
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are most courses at Webdesk Academy free?
We provide our learners with 100% FREE Access to our courses because we believe in sharing knowlege. Everyone has the right to learn quality content without having to pay much.
Why are some courses not FREE?
We charge for some premium courses that are created from content creators that are not in the House. We provide the opportunity for instructors to monetize their courses at a low rate. That is why, you can find courses starting from 1$.
Do I have a lifetime access to all courses?
Yes, sure. either FREE courses or paid ones, you have lifetime access to the courses and you can learn from them anytime and anywhere.
Do FREE courses remain free forever?
Webdesk Academy courses remain FREE forever. Our partners though can change the status of their own courses from free to paid anytime they want.
What happens if a free course becomes paid? Do I still have access to the course.
If you signed up for a free course and it happens the status is changed to paid, you wont be charged anything. You will always still have access to that course.
Can I donwload the videos provided inside the course?
Sure, you can always donwload the videos that are inside the course as long as the download button is provided. We cant guarantee that you can download all the videos inside the course.
Do you provide certificates upon completion?
Yes, certificates are provided from some of our paid courses.
Courses List
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
Marketing & Finance
- Marketing Strategies
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
- Money Making Secrits
AI is no longer science fiction.
This course will show you what exactly AI is, how it works, and more importantly, how you can harness its power to make a difference!

Mobile App
As we all have smartphones nowadays, being mobile friendly is so important. We know that and we made your theme to be mobile friendly so anyone will be happy when they visit your online learning course site.